Let's face it. There's too much content on the internet. What's true? What's not?
When it comes to health and fitness, it's important to break things down to the most fundamental truths. And that is why we are calling this the basics. What do we absolutely know to be true about losing weight, getting fit, being strong, and living a healthy life?
Nutrition - Eat whole foods. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store. This is where you'll find the best protein sources (meat, fish, eggs, yogurt). This is also where you will find the best carb and fat sources (fruits, vegetables, potatoes, avocado, nuts and seeds, grass fed butters). "Eat enough to support exercise but not body fat."
Move - Lift weights. Practice moving your own body weight with pushups, pullups, dips, handstands. Stretch. Go on hikes. Bike. Row. Run. Sweat. Just move.
Sleep - 7-9 hours every night. The only time your body has nothing to do but recovery from the stress of daily life is when you sleep. It's that important.
Mindset - The attitude you carry into life's tasks will determine your success. Our biggest weapon is a great mindset. Be strong between the ears and control what you can. #mindovermatter
In a world filled with noise, the best thing we can do is simplify.
That doesn't mean it will be easy, but it will be worth it every time.