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Sam Chiovitti


Sam is another OG’er (came to our very first class) and the perfect example of what hard work and consistency can do. I’m pretty sure he came in at 6am just about everyday we were open our first two years. Sam came into the gym with a very solid background in running and always made the long metcons look easy (Well he still does.) However the one area we have seen him improve the most is in his strength work and gymnastics. He may tell you it’s taken him a long time but he has progressed so much in the past 3.5 years.

Here’s his story…

“Sometime after high school I found running and loved how good of a workout I could get in with such a small amount of time. Then when the guys opened the gym I decided to give CrossFit a try and fell in love with it for the same reasons. The community is really something special. I love the fact that everyday we all show up with the same goal of getting a little more fit and a little better. It just makes it so much easier to get through each workout. 

“Since joining Override I found a whole new passion for working out. Getting on a legitimate program and not just doing whatever felt right that day has made working out much more enjoyable and rewarding. It’s great to know you can come to the gym everyday and have something that’s well thought out, fun, and challenging planned out.

“One gym highlight for me is getting my first muscle up. It took a lot of practice and time to learn. I failed a ton of reps, which made finally getting one even more rewarding! Currently I’m working on building my strength back up and just getting back into a routine after quarantine.”

“My favorite Override memory is always Memorial Day Murph. It’s always such a tough workout and always seems like it’s one of the hottest days, but it’s a fun way to officially kick off summer.”

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