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Meg Dupont


Meg is another superstar on the Override team and a huge part of our community. We always joke and say that we don’t think we’ve ever Meg say a bad thing about anyone (except maybe marsh once or twice ;).  If you look up technique in the dictionary you’ll find Meg there. She’s always making everything look effortless and crushes it on the daily.

Here’s her story…

What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?

“I was previously going to a gym that wasn’t a CrossFit gym, but we were doing similar workouts to CrossFit & I was introduced to a lot of the movements. I was loving it all! Once the boys opened Override, I knew it was the place I wanted to be & having grown up with them I knew what a great place Override was going to be. 

“My favorite part of Override is the community. Nick, Eric & Marsh are always coming up with new & fun ideas for us, that keeps us engaged & coming back for more. It’s also great getting to see some of your best friends everyday. Override is like a family!”

What has changed for you since joining Override? 

“One of the main things that has changed for me since joining CrossFit, is my confidence with working out. Over the summer when I was on vacation with my family I dropped into a CrossFit gym by myself. I remember my sister saying she was so impressed that I took a class at a gym all by myself & I never really thought about it until then. I have Override to thank for that!

What was your first “bright Spot”/ Gym PR?

“There have been so many PR’s over the years, but one of the first ones that really stands out to me was a snatch PR. I didn’t have the best day because I forgot to do something at work & had to drive all the way back to the office. But I  remember it was a Friday night barbell class & the workout was to go around and one person lifted at a time & we had 30 seconds to lift (or something like that). I remember hitting 125 for the first time & it was a huge PR for me at the time. That definitely turned my day around! I even remember the gym clothes I had on that day!

What are you working on now?

“There’s always something for me that I want to be working on. But my main focus at the moment is to gain strength. Sometimes I feel like I’m stuck at a lot of lifts & gaining a better strength foundation would definitely help me. Then of course there’s always gymnastic movements I like to practice & I know I need to work on my endurance 

What’s your favorite Override memory?

“I don’t think I have just one favorite Override memory, but I do have so many great ones. All of the competitions, the yearly Murph & of course Asbury Park this last summer to name a few. Oh and I can’t forget the Bar Slam outside at the Chiovitti’s & the words that kept coming out of Marsh’s mouth that night, “Hey Meg, have you met my friend Scott?”

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