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Alex Milne


Alex has been a member at Override literally since day 1. Looking back I’m pretty sure he came down while we were still finishing up the build out to say what’s up and check out the gym. If anyone ever needs a partner for a rowing or bike workout Alex is definitely your guy!!

As he puts it…“CrossFit Torrington closed, so a bunch of us were looking for a new gym. Just so happened that Override had opened on nearly the same day that CFT closed. It seemed like a natural fit right from the jump. It was huge compared to the old gym, the coaches seemed pretty cool and very experienced. The gym has definitely exceeded my expectations since I joined.

“My first big accomplishment was doing Murph with a weight vest for the first time. Currently I’m constantly working on my motor. I want to be more comfortable with that “dark place” and conquering it. That and beating Gallagher is always on my list!!

“My favorite Override memory has been completing Murph the past few years and celebrating with everyone afterwards. It’s always a great time with friends, a beer and GOOD FOOD”

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